April 7, 2012

River Don Upper Walk

Today me and my wife went out for a walk. We started from Rivelin Valley lower parts, and from there to the upper parts of River Don. It wasnt that nice as I expected, because we walked beside a big road for a long time. It was heavy traffic and we just saw some glimts of the river.
After 3-4 km we came to a part where the walk was more along the river, but its still was not that nice because there is lot of industries (new, busy, dirty.. You know what I mean). Even further down, suddenly more "forest" beside the river.
I can imaging that in summer when all the trees are green, then maybe it is pretty nice.
River Don has been very polluted when Sheffield was at its prime, with a lot of big steel factories, mills etc... Now, for the past 20 years the wild life has slighly come back as the factories have gone and there is even trout and salmon in the river. The bad thing is that it is so MUCH CRAP, and parts are looking as they are recycling center :(
Next time we are going for the lower parts of it and I hope it might be nicer.
River Don near Sheffield Center

Nice bridge walk under a bridge

Common seen

Nice carved wooden chair


  1. Very beautiful picture near river don, to see both te river and the the old factory building. The wooden chair was really beautiful. Hard to find such hand made things today.
