October 12, 2018

Bird migration

During August and September I have been out just before the sun sets in order to capture migrating birds. They are now moving to warmer latitudes - cranes, ducks, starlings, and loads of different geese.
It's quite remarkable to see and hear several thousand cranes and geese lifting from the fields where they've been feasting during the day to fly off to a sheltered place to rest for the night.
It's just as impressing in the mornings as they fly back to the fields for search of the food.

Sometimes there is a bonus - all these amazing sunset, and if you are a bit more lucky, there will be a little rainbow framing it all in.


  1. Så vackert! Och det är så fascinerande med fåglarnas liv!

  2. Fina bilder.
    Den dag migrationen upphör eller fåglarna väljer annan väg är jag ute ur fotografin.
    Om det nu skulle ske. Klimatändringar kanske avslutar det nöjet för gott? Eller inte alls.
    / Deerhunter

    1. Tack Klas! Jo håller med om det eller ja landskap finns ju kvar :)

  3. Så fint! Häftigt med regnbågen i solen!
