January 9, 2013

Grey Wagtail

Today I took a walk down to the Rivelin Valley in the stunning fine weather with sunshine and clear blue skies.
The goal was  to find the dipper, but unfortunately, it was not there when I was there.
So I went around and looked for kingfisher instead, managed to find it in a swamp area but it did not want to be photographed today. But instead, I saw a gray wagtail which was a bit surprising, because I thought they disappeared to warmer countries in the autumn.
But good for me because then I got something to shoot today, I was able to get it as close as 3-4m which rarely happens during the summer months if you do not have camouflage.
Maybe it was  too busy to eat rather than looking for me, because it ran back and forth all the time. It certainly was not still for a single second, which made it rather difficult to photograph especially with my D90 which has not really so fast autofocus.


  1. Fina färger på pippin, har den alltid dom färgerna?

    1. Japp det tror jag, det jag har sett i alla fall.
      Rätt fin med allt det gula på fågeln :)

  2. Om den "glömt bort" att flytta får man hoppas att den ska klara sig ändå, forsärlan. Vacker fågel som verkar leva i samma omgivningar som kungsfiskaren(?). Fina, klara bilder med vackra färgskiftningar i vattnet. / Deerhunter

  3. Tack Klas, dom brukar nog flytta till kusten men är det varmt så stannar dom väl kvar här uppe på höjderna också.
