November 22, 2015

Beech forest autumn glow

This autumn came somewhat later compared to earlier years so it wasn't till  beginning of November we were off to Sundbyholm (outside Eskilstuna) to shoot the amazing colors of the beerch forest.
As the weather changed rather quickly so did the colors of the leafs too, from green to bare trees in just two weeks.. Swoosh...

Why this forest you might wonder, well it is counted as the largest and most northern non-planted beech forest in Sweden. There may be smaller higher up in the country but not even close to this one.
Also, there is this beautiful avenue that dates all the way back to the 1700:s that leads up to Sundbyholm castle. Definitely worth a trip if you are around!


  1. Vackert med skira färger och vindlande vägen som leder blicken in i bild.Håller med om att den var en fantastisk höst vi just haft.
    / Deerhunter

  2. Så fantastiskt vackert!! Har faktiskt aldrig sett någon bokskog...

  3. Så vackert! Vi har åkt förbi Sundbyholm ibland men inte fram till slottet, det måste vi göra ser jag. Visste inte om denna bokskog, så fin allé!

  4. Läckra bilder Jani, har missat dessa....
