August 15, 2015

New York (part 1/2)

The whole first week of July we were off to New York city! Lucky enough to having a friend with an apartment that is on the New Jersey with a view of Manhattan. With a 10min ferry across the Hudson river we were in town :)
It was really nice to be 'on the side' as it was a 'bit quieter". Still it was Always some kind of 'noise'; honking, emergency vehicles sirens, police cars, people, AC etc... Not sure why some chose to live in the middle of it all.
As it happens, we were fortunate to be a part of the 4th of July celebrations. Independence day!
It was great to see how families gathered in parks or along the beaches to hang out, relax and do some BBQ, in order to late in the evening gather around Manhattan to see a spectacular fireworks display that lasts 25min shot up from four barges between Brooklyn and Manhattan. Awesome!!
Beside that, we walked as one should in a big city as we wanted/had to see a lot and actually we have probably seen all neighbourhoods on Manhattan. Even beyond it, we were over to Brooklyn and its stunning bridge. There are plenty of steel bridges and the architecture of them ALL is just breathtaking. Lots of details.
One of the days we walked 35km excluding an early morning run in Central Park adding 10km to it all. As you can imagine, we didn't have any issues sleeping :)
Brooklyn bridge

Famous hot dogs

4th of july, independence day

Manhattan skyline 4th of july

9/11 memorial place

Flatiron building

Nice graffiti, taken from the highline

Nice walk at the higline

cool mexican food place and also very yummy

Grand central

Guggenheim museum


One of those cool bridges

In the city



  1. Inte alls avis på er ;)
    Dom svart/vita påminner om gamla filmer :) och som alltid, fina bilder!

  2. Hatten av för din/er vandrarkapacitet! Jag är djupt imponerad. Sen gillar jag ju förstås fyrverkeriet mot stadskonturen och Strykjärnet ser alltid lika läckert ut. Det måste väl en gång byggts in i tätare bebyggelse, antar jag. Kanske det är en stad som är bättre att besöka än permanent bo i. I alla fall för mig.
    / Deerhunter

  3. Jättefina bilder!! Häftigt att besöka en sån storstad! :)

  4. Vackra bilder - och gick ni verkligen 35 km efter att ha joggat 10 km på morgonen. Då har ni gjort NY maraton av bara farten ...:-))

  5. Många ikoniska och fantastiska bilder!
    Imponerande bilder, du är verkligen duktig!

    Ha en bra helg,

  6. Tack o bock för era fina kommentarer :))
