August 23, 2015

Last pics from New York

Here comes the final pics from our trip to New York. Most of them taken during the boat cruise around Manhattan. 3½h well spent! To see this city from another perspective and also get a grip of how its connected to the main land with these awesome bridges, worth every minute.
Another site well worth a visit is of course Times Square. Crowded but has to be seen in both day and night time :))
But the best of all was the Empire State Building. Which we visited early one evening in order to, as on Times Square, see the views and the skylines in different lights. It is worth buying the ticket in advance online! You avoid the long time consuming queues :))

Just back from a week of holiday in Poland and Tatra mountains. Cannot believe how fast the time has passed. The trip was awesome, those pics to come :))

Until next time, See you later aligator


The view from 230fifth (rooftopbar)

View from Empire state building to south Manhattan, Brooklyn

View from Empire state building to the north Manhattan

View from Empire state building to east Manhattan, Long Island

View from Empire state building to west Manhattan, hudson river and New Jersey and also Madison square garden

North Manhattan Times square in the left corner


  1. Känns som att delta på resan. Fina bilder !

  2. Broarna är verkligen häftiga, och de äldsta skyskraporna. Det finns liknande i Liverpool, det närmsta jag kommer New York :) inspirationen till de första skyskraporna kom faktiskt från Liverpool :)

  3. Kommer jag nånsin till platsen ska jag komma ihåg båtfaciliteten. Kan inte erinra mig ha sett fundamentet till Frihetsgudinnan tidigare. Nu vet jag förstås redan att du är en formidabel vandrare/klättrare. men hoppas ändå att hissarna fungerade den där dagen...
    / Deerhunter

  4. Ytterligare en läcker serie bilder från det "stora äpplet".

    Ha det gott,
