April 13, 2018

Bearded Tit

It has been busy couple of months, and actually not only with refurbishment, fishing, working on my knifes, biking, hiking etc etc .. but also with taking photos and getting to know my new camera.

So, time to show the result.

About a month ago, just before heading to Argentina and Chile (LOADS of pics to go through) I was out one early morning to Tyresö slott after hearing that an unusual birdy has been seen in the area - Bearded tit (Skäggmes).

Enjoy the pics :)
Bearded Tit (male)

Sea eagle playing with heron
Bearded Tit (female)

Bearded Tit in the reeds


  1. Supercoola bilder. Måste vara en himla bra kamera även om fotografen är duktig också såklart :)

  2. Hej Jani, länge sen sist.
    Briljant bild på skäggmeshannen!
    Har du äntligen bytt till Canon:)?
    / Deerhunter

    1. Hej Klas, jo det var ett tag sen men nu förhoppningsvis är man tillbaka :)
      Canon hehe näh inte det :) men har bytt till mindre fullformatare Nikon D750 mest för pixlarnas skull
