April 12, 2015

Snowmobile in Kvikkjokk

So, been away again snowmobiling and this time we went whole the way up to Kvikkjokk. Its at the road's end just below Padjelanta and Sarek National Park. We were staying at the Kvikkjokk mountain station for the three days spent there.
For the first two days the weather was awesome, perfect sunshine and just few degrees above zero. We found some great routes with perfect slopes of just powder snow. Fun climbs in birch forests with a lot of small jumps. Just simply nice places.
The last day we set off early, weather a bit more overcast. Occasional snowing in the hills although with clear views in the valley where we were off to play :) 
Going back home we started around 14, not getting far before needing to wait for the car broke down and we had to wait for the tow truck that of course kept us waiting until 20! You can say we were not pleased. Anyhow, eventually we got a rental car and were at home around 2 in the morning.. What an adventure :)
Looking at it afterwards if kind of disappears in all the rest of the fun time.

Till next time, enjoy the spring!
Red fox

Nice views

traces after arctic fox

Brother flying :)

Brother in action


Bullens sausage, lunch.

Me in the birch wood trying to find a way up


  1. Häftiga skoterbilder och vackra vyer! Fjällen är oemotståndliga :))

  2. Så vackert! Helt underbar bild på räven!

  3. Var en najs resa med fin körning trist att det skulle avslutas med 🚗 haveri 😬😱

    1. Happ man ser inte ikoner tydligen...
      Bilhaveri ska det stå i alla fall ;)

  4. Bullens korv...Så klassisk belöning efter en hård dag på fjället. Visste inte att de fanns att köpa längre.
    / Deerhunter

  5. Härliga bilder med mycket action!
    Fin bild på mickelräv också där den ligger och värmer sig i solen.

    Ha en bra helg,
