January 25, 2015

It has been a while since last time

Hi again!
Yes, it has been a while since I blogged and I blame laziness, the new job and refurbishment ;)
Well now I'm hopefully back even if it most probably not be as frequent as when we lived in England. 
Any way, back to my latest pictures. During Christmas and New Year I was to my newly bought snowmobile that is in northern parts of Sweden, more precisely Kalix. During those weeks I spent the time driving it around in hope of learning to drive a bit better than what I can right now. Unfortunately, it was not much snow along the coast where Kalix is, so we had to take the car and trailer and drive a bit into the country. At least there it was around 40-60cm, enough to play around a bit.
I did try to be outdoors as much as possible to take pictures for the blog and show you the wildlife, but when tempterature creeps down to -25 C the sessions are not long :) Although I managed to catch both waxwings and some sort of crossbill which was fun. I even tried to get some pics of the squirrels with their thick winter coat but it was of course much more difficult. These were a bit more careful and shy compared to those in Botanical Garden in Sheffield.

Already during this week I'm back there again and this time we are off to the Arjeplog mountains for 3 days. Rather sure that the time will just fly till I'm on the flight north, unfortunately probably the time up there as well.
See you soon again with some more pictures from the mountains.
Northern lights


Some kind of crossbill

Same but a female


The shy squirrel

A bunch of waxwings


  1. Kul att du bloggar igen! Vilka fantastiska fågelbilder, och norrskenet! Här i Sheffield är det kallare än vanligt men ekorrarna är lika tama :)

  2. Norrskensbilderna är jag avis på dig :-) Snygga bilder alla ! Välkommen tillbaka !

  3. Du lyckades ju med norrskenet :)
    Fina bilder på pippisarna med som vanligt!

  4. Roligt att du börjat blogga igen.
    Norrskensbilden blev ju annorlunda. För inte är det lika vanligt att bebyggelse paras ihop med det fenomenet och det gör bilden i ditt fall, tycker jag.
    Jag tror det är tallbit du fotograferat.

    / Deerhunter

  5. Välkommen tillbaka ;o)
    Härliga bilder på sidensvar och tallbitar bjuder du på. Förstår att det blir korta fototurer när temperaturen är under -20 grader, burrr...

    Kul att se lite nya vackra bilder från dig.

    Ha en bra helg,

  6. Underbara bilder!! Så magiskt med norrskenet! och så fina fåglar! :)
