December 4, 2012

Some bird pictures

I have continued my attempts to shoot Jay's, I have gone there early in the cover of darkness. Because I have noticed that if i go there while it's in the middle of the day so they want not to come. Like yesterday, I was there all afternoon without success and now this morning I was there again, they arrived and checked out but then disappeared pretty quickly, maybe they saw something that was strange, I had moved the camera to another place because it would otherwise have rained and blew straight into the lens so maybe it was that they saw.
So today it was just some small birds on the site.
I have put out a big branch and when i arrive I put sunflower seeds and nuts on top of it. And the meaning of it is that the birds will land on top of the branch, because I have the camera pointed at it. And also because i want clean pictures without any distracting things. In this way the eyes stuck on the bird only and make it pleasant to watch :) but I have not really gotten into it yet mostly because I have to have the camera a good distance away from the branch (5-6m) and then you can not really get the blur in the background I'm after.  And it's so far away, because the jay's otherwise not will arrive, they are very suspicious.

One other problem has been the sound of the cameras shutter, when i fire away pictures it sounds like machine gun but they are now getting used to it.
There is one picture of jay, it is not a good quality picture but i put in anyway :)
Camera equipment i used: nikon 3Ds nikon 70-200mm f2.8, nikon 200-400mm f4, tripod and wireless remote control.



  1. Fågelstolpen :)
    Du får komma hit och fota lite mindre skyggig skrika! ;)

    1. Jopp ska försöka göra det o kanske orrar o tjädrar :))

  2. Jag gillar de två mörka bilderna. Skrikan kan kanske vara lite darrig, men sitter i vackert ljus och poserar ju v ä l d i g t fint. / Deerhunter

    1. Tack Klas!
      Jo jag fick ställa in skärpan i mörkret till just den bilden och den hamnade inte riktigt där jag ville :)
