November 16, 2012

Pictures from the week

All week I have been trying to get close to the kingfisher down in the Rivelin Valley.
It has been there every day but I have not managed to get some more picture of it, the first time worked out pretty well, I got close anyway.
Now I've given up on that project, so early this morning I cycled to one of my bird feeder places my idea was to try and shoot jays. How did it go, well the jay came two times but as usual they are incredibly observant.
It disappeared every time I tried to shoot it, because it saw me move inside the camouflage. So after 2.5 hours, I gave up because I started to freeze in the cold morning air.
I went down to the Rivelin instead to check for kingfisher but it was not there, so I continued to walk up the Rivelin Valley and looked after the dipper instead but it was there either. It was a long time since I last saw it, it might come later in the winter. So I found some mushrooms to shoot instead, also found spring flowers that have started to bloom again in some sunny places :) After 6 hours in the valley, it was time to go home.

Camera i used: Nikon 3Ds and nikon 200-400mm f4 lens, tripod.


  1. Ger du så dålig mat att nötisen vill inte ens låta sig fotas? ;)

    1. Mjo måste ju vara det :((
      men det kan jag ändra på, vänta bara tills det blir lite kallare du kommer dom nog krypandes till maten :))

  2. Hehe jo mycket möjligt, dom glömmer då inte vars maten är! :)
