June 12, 2016

Graffiti festival

In the beginning of May, a graffiti festival 'Spring Remake' was held close to where I live. The area is a small industrial site and since 2014 it has been a legal place for graffiti and occasional rave party.
It is great to have that kind of place for artists do their magic :)
Don't appreciate when there is graffiti or tags in places where it's not supposted to be.
Back to the festival, this year it was around 100 artist from all over the world transforming the walls, and around 10 000 people was there to see it this year (its growing each year!). There was not only graffiti but foodtrucks and music in the evenings, so its worth to go there and see it all.
I was there just before they opened in the mornings, that's why there is few people in the pics :))



  1. Detta är annat än de barnsliga taggar man oftast ser i mina hemtrakter.
    Sista bilden ett riktigt konstverk med sin starka 3D-utstrålning.
    / Deerhunter

  2. Häftiga bilder, både dina och graffitimålningarna. Detta är den typ av konst som man gärna ser målad på "lagliga" väggar, de är riktigt läckra.

    Ha det gott,
