May 25, 2015

Tiveden National Park

During the end of April we were off to Tiveden NP for a long-weekend. As usual :) we did a lot of hiking, both in the old forest that the national park is located in and along an old Pilgrim path. 
NP itself is rather small so it didn't take us long to explore most of it, more precisely a day. Do not take it to lightly though, it was actually quite demanding as it was hilly but wasnt carrying around much more then something to eat and drink (fika :) ). We stayed at a hostel in the beautiful Tivedstorp which is an old Finish village dating from the 1600s. 
I would highly recommend a visit to this little gem.


  1. Tiveden...klassiskt ställe som jag aldrig besökt tyvärr. Blir sugen när man seriefinalen fina bilder.

  2. Såg mysigt ut, tredje bilden från botten är favvo!

  3. Vackert! Bilderna är väldigt "Svenska" visar de fina av Sverige, skogen timmerstugor, röda hus med mera... snyggt!

    Ha det gott,

  4. De är legendariska, dessa djupa skogar som historiskt bl a varit tillhåll för diverse ökänt skumrask & banditer. Om jag inte minns fel från skoltiden.
    Bilderna inspirerar till besök.
    / Deerhunter

  5. Tack för era kommentarer :))
