January 2, 2013

Tyresta National Park. Stockholm, Sweden

New year and new opportunities, Christmas and New Year's Eve was spent in Stockholm.
Arrived to a fantastic fine winter landscape in Stockholm on Dec. 21 with a lot of snow on the branches and trees and it made ​​it even nicer. I had one goal that week and that was to go to Tyresta NP and shoot winter landscape.
It's incredibly nice there when there is lots of snow everywhere, but because it was overcast for a whole week before the sun appeared. And it was unfortunately many days with temperatures above freezing which made the nice winter landscape started to disappear.
But luckily it was still pretty nice when I then arrived to Tyresta the only sunny day.

Facts about Tyresta National Park: Tyresta NP and Nature Reserve is one of the largest unspoilt woodland in Sweden outside the mountains. The area has one of the finest primeval forests south of the mountain region and in 1993 established Tyresta as nr: 23 NP in Sweden.
The National Park covers 1970 hectares, for the vast majority consisting of forest in an alternating rift with pine as the dominant tree species on top of the rocky areas and tree in the fertile valleys.
Around the park are Tyresta nature reserve as a protective horseshoe in the south, east and north. The reserve covers 2700 hectares and the total is the protected area of nearly 5000 hectares.

The reserve is also dominant coniferous forest but there are also rich deciduous forest areas, valuable old farmland and a piece of the inner archipelago.

Click on a picture to enlarge them!


  1. God fortsättning! Gillar skarpt # 6, den lilla bäcken som flyter genom vinterlandskapet. Och så den där röken som för tankarna till älvdans. Spännande bild som ställer fler frågor än avger svar, tycker jag. / Deerhunter

  2. Tack Klas! Kul att du gillade den bilden den är min favorit också :)
