January 6, 2013

Mountain hare and Red grouse

Yesterday we went out on a 14 km hike, one of our well known routes. This one is quite nice as it's a rather easy walk but has great views over the Ladybower area.
This particular morning was really warm with +10C. So far the new year has been so warm :)

The sun showed itself now and then, but up on the tops it a bit windy as usual and then of course it felt little colder.
What makes it more fun to hike around here is that there are a lot of Red grouse and it's a challenge to try to approach them for some pictures. As they at the moment forming pair the males are getting a but tougher and easier to approach.
Maybe they thought I was a threat and wanted to show off. I got as only few meters from them!
I came really close to another animal too, a mountain hare. They are pretty with their white fur.
And despite their white fur it's not easy to see them, even if there is no snow right now, sometimes only a head held down in the heather is visible.
I managed to sneak up 3m to one hare through wet heather and bog. It is amazingly exciting to be able to get close to wild animals like this.


  1. Oj vad nära du måste ha varit både harenoch ripan?
    Taskig camo har den i alla fall!
    Du får försöka fota hare här sen! ;)

    1. Jo jag var nära ca 3m ifrån dom, häftigt att kunna se detaljer på djuren.
      Självklart ska vi försöka fota allt möjligt där uppe :)

  2. Här måste du väl ålat dig fram de sista 20 metrarna! Toppenbilder allihop, speciellt # 5 med den varmfärgade fågeln i vintrigt, kallt ljus. Vacker skärpa. fin bakgrund. Kan det bli bättre? / Deerhunter

    1. Helt sant Klas jag fick åla och blött var det också :))
      Kul att bilderna gillas :) Och bättre kan det väl alltid bli, kanske med annat ljus eller komma ännu närmare. :)
