November 22, 2012

Pics from Botanical Garden

Strong winds and rain, it has been all week, and today it is blowing gale.
But today I had to go out with the camera, a trip to the botanical garden and I took the opportunity to leave early this morning. For the weather forecast promises rain for the afternoon so I did not have rain but it is very windy  12-15m / s
But as the Botanical Garden is located in a valley, so I did not have the worst of the wind.
Today it felt great to shoot, because it's been a bit tough to find something interesting to shoot in the forests. but here I always find plenty to shoot, and if nothing else, there are lots of cute squirrels :))

Camera Equipment: Nikon 3Ds and Nikon 200-400mm f4 lens, Handheld.

Click on a picture to enlarge it!


  1. Fina pictures! Vill också hitta korre men man ser bara uppätna kottar :/

    1. Tack broder.
      Jo nere i botaniska har man alltid chans till fina bilder.

  2. Med så mycket fina motiv omkring dig kan jag slå vad om att du snart glömde bort blåsten. Din lustiga ekorre i vinterpäls har jag redan kommenterat på annan plats, så här siktar jag in mig på koltrasten. Vilket underbart skott! Rent, enkelt, stilfullt. Beskuren skulle den kunna gå som dekor på servis. Menat som komplimang, förstås. En av de bättre exponeringar jag sett nån gång, tror jag. / Deerhunter

    1. Jag tackar för dom fina orden :)
      Blåsten är inte så farlig när man mest ligger platt på mage. :))

    2. Gör du annat än ligger? muhahha ;)
