January 16, 2013


Last weekend Me, my wife and two friends went to birmingham for a little bit sightseeing, the day was chilly and overcast so you had to go inside and warm up a bit now and then.
We first went into the tourist information center to pick up some maps, and after receiving advice on routes,  we started to walk the long tourist round which would take about 3 hours.
The round would show us the most worth seeing buildings and other things around town, but I have to say that Birmingham was the most boring town I've been to so far. Sure, there are nice places too such as the canals with its houseboats and restaurants.
The canals in Birmingham are even several miles longer than Venice and they form the heart of the British canal system.
Birmingham is also England's second largest city with just over one million inhabitants. (2008)
We also went to see an Indian temple,  Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) which is located just outside the town.

It was a nice place and experience.


  1. Replies
    1. Jo verkligen udda, men dom har väl försökt att göra den spännande genom en hel del konstiga byggnader ;)

  2. Men snygg tjur! (Jani - ELLER tjuren?? ;) )


    1. Haha jo eller hur :)) Själva stadskärnan har nått som kallas för bullring och självklart måste ju en tjur stå på plats då ;)
