September 11, 2014

Cairngorms NP, Scotland

The weekend after coming back from Croatia it was time for next adventure. We have been waiting for good weather and this is one of the trips that we want to do this year, preferably before it gets to cold.
The trip started already on Friday with a drive up to Glasgow, to continue early following morning to Breamar where our hike started from Linn of Dee.
Around 11 o'clock the first day's hike started, planned to be around 13km. Forecast said it would be showers throughout the day, and apparently that means constant rain in Highlands. It was windy and rainy, but as we were approaching the tenting location we had luck as there was a small cabin there. So unexpected and welcomed! We could get dry and not get more stuff wet :) During the evening a couple from Czechs joined us and brought in even more warmth. The second days hike was to go through the most secluded and wildest part of the UK. Weather wise the day started with overcast but couple of hours in the sun came through and it all cleared up. Lucky us as the plan was to climb the three peaks in the area of which the highest was Ben Macdui with its 1309m, the second highest in the whole UK. The other peaks were also above 1000m, so it was a rather tough day for the legs. AS total we walked around 25km that day.
On Ben Macdui we saw some snow buntings which is always a nice break in a rather harsh environment.  I've never seen that kind of bird before. They were not so timid so I actually could take pics from just  1m away.
Third and final day we had only 7km left to the car. It was noflat as we had come down from the mountains the previous evening. Considering all the steep walking up and down the hills and ridges the day before, the flat terrain was appreciated. Now, the route took us through the Scottish pine forest that is a little different from the Swedish once. I do not know why but I like them, maybe just because they're different. On the first day we passed a perfect place with waterfalls and heather, but because it was raining I couldn't take any pictures :( 
Anyhow, it was a amazing trip and well worth all the walking and car driving.

We have unfortunately just couple of weekends left here in UK, but I hope to be able to share with you at least one more post from this amazing country that has been our home for the past three years.
The nice little bothy
Mountain lake
Salmon river
Path to the car park
Caledonian Pine tree forest
One of the tops
The view from Ben macdui
Snow bunting
Another view from the top of Ben macdui


  1. Underbara bilder Jani :)
    Hälsningar Halina

  2. Kan inte rymmas mycket lax i det grunda vattnet?!
    Fina bilder as usual!

  3. Så fint! Ska ni tillbaka till Sverige nu?

  4. Så otroligt vackert det är där!! Jättefina bilder! Blir riktigt sugen på att åka dit :))

    och Tusen tack för ditt svar!! Ska testa det så fort det blir stjärnklart! även om jag inte är så haj på inställningar....får träna :) Ser ut som om det kan bli norrsken i helgen, nån stor solstorm på G. Hoppas! :D

  5. Underhållande läsning och kalasbilder att studera. Vackert landskap även om det regnade så att det inte blev bilder på allt.
    Ha en fin helg och ser fram emot fler fina inlägg!

  6. Kompetent utförda landskapsbilder och extra trevligt måste det ha varit med snösparven som belöning.
    / Deerhunter

  7. Underbara Skottland :o) Vackra bilder fick du med dig hem från ditt äventyr. Vart bär det hän efter England?

    Ha en bra helg,
