July 30, 2014

Sparrowhawk and Badger

I have last couple of days been trying to photograph the badger. One of the first evening, I managed to find them and also get some photos even though it was pretty dark where they come out from their hole. I had to use high ISO 20 000 and manual focus because the camera had difficulties to focus being that dark.
Yesterday I went there too but actually neither saw nor heard them. To be fair, the whole area is pretty big and badger burrow is very large with lots of exits. When I was almost back home, I see a badger trot across the street :) The camera was though safely packed away.
This morning just outside the window, lucky me, a sparrowhawk landing in a tree. It stood there for a while in the morning sun, trimmed his feathers and just generally gazed with his 'angry' yellow eyes.

This Thursday I will be going again to the summer house in Croatia and spend four glorious weeks there doing some odd jobs on the house, swimming and of course photographing. I do feel like the 'photographer-block' is passing.

See you soon with new photos!!


  1. Så fick den på bild :)
    Den svart vita var cool, mystisk :)

  2. Vid ringinglow rd ser jag grävlingar nästan varje gång :) tycker dom är lite småläskiga på kvällen :) men vackra djur. Sparvhöken är genuint läskig haha.

  3. Häftiga bilder!!! Blev ju bra ändå trots högiso...sparvhöken är bara till å gratulera!

    Ha en fortsatt fin sommar!

  4. Inte för blyg för att visa upp sig i all sin härlighet, sparvhöken! Imponeras över dina högisoskott. Gillar trots allt varianten med färg bäst. Hoppas du får trevlig semester (eller var det kanske "arbetssemester"?).
    / Deerhunter
