May 1, 2013

Anemone nemorosa

Yesterday I was off to a place where I  have seen anemones, I wanted to shoot them before they disappear, which certainly happens within a week.
The strange thing is that I have never seen the blue or yellow variant of it  here in england, while in Sweden we have them both.
And wood anemones contained here is quite hard to find in bigger forests which is a bit strange, now I compare with sweden and there you can find them much easier in forests. But maybe it is the the slightly higher altitude compared with Stockholm that makes them not thrive in forests here.

I went down to the Anemone place later in the afternoon to take pictures of anemones in the evening light, hard daylight is rarely a good idea to take pictures of flowers.
I spent a few hours to the anemones before the nice evening light disappeared behind the mountains.
I photographed only with macro lens and my old Nikon D90 because a get a little longer focal length with that combination, (crop factor) which I think is great when you're shooting smaller flowers.


  1. Härligt att se! Upptäckte de första här för några dagar sedan. Har tagit några bilder på dessa underbara vårblommor, får se om jag postar några i bloggen senare. Ljuset i bild 7 är helt underbart. Mycket snyggt!


  2. Så vackra foton! Jag längtar tills det blir fullt med bluebells i skogen för som sagt, det finns inte så mycket blommor i skogen här annars.

  3. Underbara och ljuvliga bilder på vitsipporna! Har inte sett några ännu, men snart blommar de även här :)) Ha en bra dag!
