September 21, 2012

Croatian Flora and Fauna

Now it will be the last part of Croatia, and today it will be pictures of animals and flowers. Have tried to shoot birds here, but they were so incredibly timid so i did not get so many pictures of them. And last week down there I found a place that had a lot of birds including kingfisher, little egret, and some shorebirds but unfortunately most often it is difficult to get to some sensible images when you do not have some sort of camoflauge and will not be enough close.
This year, I discovered that there were lots of fine butterflies, because I can not remember it's been so much before.
I tried to photograph a butterfly named makaon which has the size of a palm and is really nice. But they're impossible to shoot in the heat, because they are kind never still, they just fly all the time. So I gave up on them and shot a few other species instead. Even managed to find a turtle they are there all over the place, but they are not easy to find in the terrain.
So it was all from croatia then. Next time it will be probably somewhere from the Peak District again.

Click on a image to enlarge it!

Nice butterfly

One more nice one

Dry flower

Funny looking bug

Heron in morning sun (juvenile)

Little egret`s seeking for food

Humming-bird-hawk-moth. nice name on this one


  1. Så läckert med makro bilder!
    Kul att du lyckades fota hummingbird, synd bara att det inte var en färggrann en.

    1. Tja broder! Jo det fanns massor av dom, men du kanske tänker på kolibri eller? Det här är en större Mal sort bara, men dom finns också i lite andra färger. ;)

  2. Hello, the whole thіng is going perfеctlу here
    and ofcοurse every onе is sharіng informаtion, that's really fine, keep up writing.
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  3. Hej! Så roligt att du läser Deerhunter. Jag har ju redan sett många av dina bilder på Naturfotoforum, ska bli spännande att följa dig här. Oxå jag föll för Kolibrimalen - eller vad den nu kallas på svenska - med den fina bakgrundsdiagonalen. / Deerhunter

    1. Hej Klas!
      Jo jag har ju sett dina otroligt fina bilder också på forumet, så det är klart att man vill se mer av dom :) kul att du gillade malen.
      ha d gott. mvh Jani
